Find your local role…

Just one experience from last week. I feel that local community is more important than ever. I know hat most of us are online for many hours and connecting with the ‘global village’. I have realised that internet always takes me mile away to different continents which is lovely but I do have less andContinue reading “Find your local role…”

Going back to what I know…

Well, in times of crises I have always done it. Went home, talked to my grandma, met up with dear friends, looked at old photos, played old song…So this time I am going back to something I thought I have experienced and shelved. I even wrote a post about it and thought to myself: “DoneContinue reading “Going back to what I know…”

Keeping it simple and going back to basics

My last post might have been a bit long-winded, I think… So today I am doing something different. Basically putting out a checklist of what I am focusing now during these strange times. I like to write short lists to streamline my thoughts, especially after watching or reading something inspirational or motivational. What do IContinue reading “Keeping it simple and going back to basics”

Working from home again – what next?

Working from home become the new norm in a last couple weeks. Even people who never intended work from home – simply have to. I found myself paradoxically at home again. Nothing new to me and I eased to it quickly. However, my old fears and problems reappeared: …I can be made redundant any time.Continue reading “Working from home again – what next?”

Working from home for 8 years – my experience

Well, eight years is a long time and I thought that I should share my own experience. I do see lots of different posts on working from home, passive income and great part-time opportunities. I have worked as translator and project manager for one internet company for many years. It was intense. I had toContinue reading “Working from home for 8 years – my experience”

How is my business going – update

Well, so this is interesting. About a year ago I have launched an Easy shop and now I should be a successful entrepreneur right? Not really. And I don’t say that with any bitterness. I have learned new things, met some lovely customers, got great reviews – but did not make much money. I haveContinue reading “How is my business going – update”

How is the business going

Well, I know that most people write about their business when they have achieved something…anyways here are some notes on my own experience so far.  One thing I need to say – it is a slow process. And I mean really slow. My website is set up and I have sent out e-mails introducing myContinue reading “How is the business going”